Kiwanis of Pacific Beach, San Diego
We’re a local community service group founded in 1946. Our club is part of Kiwanis International, which is dedicated to improving the lives of children one community at a time.
We focus on serving children and youth in the Pacific Beach neighborhood of San Diego. We fund several scholarships for graduating Mission Bay High School seniors, and also support MBHS music and athletics, as well as elementary and middle school activities. The broader community also benefits from our support of the Taylor Library, Concerts on the Green and other programs. Read more about the programs we fund.
Please join us!
2025 Wine-Down Summer Annual Fundraiser
This year’s annual wine-tasting fundraiser will be held on August 16, 2025. Thanks to all who attended and donated last year. Through tickets, wine sales and silent auction bids, we raised enough to cover several scholarships for graduating Mission Bay High School seniors. View a list of our auction items and generous donors.
Hope of America Award
The Kiwanis Clubs of California, Nevada, and Hawaii established the Hope of America award in 1984. The Hope of America award recognizes and encourages students who have demonstrated academic accomplishment, leadership, and good character. These students should be potential leaders who have sustained our democratic way of life and exhibited outstanding citizenship traits.
Criteria for selection of a recipient include capacity for leadership, ethical and moral character, and academic competence. 2024 honorees are below.

Kiwanis Club of Pacific Beach is pleased to recognize these students as being the Hope of America. Each student received a plaque and 25 “Mr. Frostie Dollars” to enjoy.
Honoring Pacific Beach Students
Each month we honor PB elementary school students chosen by their teachers for their leadership skills and as role models for others to follow. Each winner receives a certificate of accomplishment and “Mr. Frostie Dollars” to enjoy!